martes, 18 de febrero de 2020

la Virgen Candelaria 
La virgen de la Candelaria para la iglesia católica representa la presentación del niño Jesús al templo y la purificación de la mujer después de dar a luz, después de 40 días del nacimiento llevando las ofrendas exigidas por la casta religiosa. Siendo el 2 de febrero fecha de veneración a la virgen de la Candelaria con el niño en su brazo y una canasta con las ofrendas exigidas en este caso unas palomas. En otro lugar del mundo más específico en América del sur se determinó una fecha muy especial, espiritual y astronómico el 2 de febrero punto en el que la tierra de este lado del planeta se encuentra más próximo al sol el equinoccio de febrero oficializado el día de la tierra Pachamama en quechua idioma oficial del imperio Inca, es la celebración de agradecimiento por lo qué nos brinda la tierra de ahí origina la madre de todo la naturaleza y sus beneficios que otorga a todos. Era tradición se mantuvo a pesar de la caída del imperio Inca y sometimiento al colonizaje español, y la religión cristiana el brazo opresor siguiendo los actos de los imperios de borrar toda identidad para someter a los pueblos de una y mil formas trato de borrar la veneración a la Pachamama fracasando en sus intentos y corriendo el riesgo de una sublevación, hasta que: la virgen de la Candelaria cumplía con la fecha de la veneración a la Pachamama el 2 de febrero oficializado la iglesia como sustituir la veneración a la Pachamama, con las frases conocidas a la virgen Madre de Dios, madre de todos y madre de todo los pobladores indígenas sintieron la misma descripción de la Pachamama, aceptando con el transcurso del tiempo a la virgen de la Candelaria como símil de la  Pachamama y patrona de los pobladores andinos de esta parte de la meseta del Collao a orillas del lago Titicaca.

jueves, 26 de enero de 2017

Fiesta de la Virgen de la Candelaria 2017


En el año 2017 la presidencia del Conjunto Folclórico Kallahuaya Salcedo es el Ing. Adalberto Raúl Ortega Pineda y esposa Lic. Marleny Morales Rocha.


La idea de que Puno es Capital Folclórica del Perú, nos hace pensar que hacer más por nuestra cultura y específicamente por nuestra folclore, es entonces que reflexionamos y asumimos una concepción de nuestro mundo Andino y recurrir a recordar a nuestros antepasados y hacer una revisión de la danzas que fortalecen nuestra identidad cultural por ello que pensamos y nos ratificamos en rescatar las danzas en extinción que en tiempos pasados significo mucho para nuestros antepasados y hoy en día en pleno siglo XXI queremos revalorar una danza muy señorial y simpática que significo mucho para Puno y en especial para nuestros padres y esta danza es la KALLAHUAYA, que de un tiempo a esta parte a sido la preferida por el público especialmente en la Veneración de la Virgen de la Candelaria que es en honor a ella que danzamos por la fe y devoción que la tenemos.
Por qué decir el DESPERTAR de la Kallahuaya, porque si hacemos remembranza al menos que nosotros hasta donde sabemos se bailaba antes en los distritos y en Puno en la década del 60 y posteriormente se bailó en el barrio porteño en los años de 1968 al 70 que fue dirigida por Don Julio Guerra Gutierréz y otros barrios más y luego desparece siendo sustituida por una morenada y otras danzas más atractivas en el sentido multicolor y de movimientos más atractivos así como la diablada, reyes morenos, tuntunas, etc. Pero posteriormente quien le da su lugar y un espacio cultural es la agrupación Puno de Arte folklore y teatro (APAFIT) a quienes valoramos y agradecemos por tal iniciativa por el hecho de revalorarla por la característica institucional que la promueve para ser apreciado por el público de propios y extraños; así mismo consideramos que existía otras instituciones también seguro que la bailaron a fin de darle su trascendencia y connotación cultural. Pero la razón que nos permite decir el despertar de la Kallahuaya es porque a partir del año 2000 de este siglo se funda la Kallahuaya Salcedo que está ubicado en la parte sur de la ciudad de Puno que por la migración existente se viene poblando rápidamente y es ahí donde nace este conjunto folclórico proyectándose a ser un distrito de vital importancia.
Nos permitimos decir que el DESPERTAR de la Kallahuaya por que esta danza ya no se bailaba y menos aún por nuestra juventud que la desconocían, porque no se veta así como las otras danzas y es su despertar porque nos agrada ver hoy en día que las diferentes instituciones educativas de nivel superior, secundaria y primaria la vienen bailando así como en instituciones gubernamentales porque realmente valoraron y saben de su razón cultural de bailar. El hecho de vivir en un nuevo milenio y más aun con esta globalización asfixiante creemos que el momento de re valorar nuestras danzas porque es en nuestra cultura la alternativa de entrar con firmeza a enfrentar este mundo de competencia que tenemos que mostrar lo nuestro de modo que sea valorado por propios y extraños; y es esta tesis que nos permite involucrarnos con nuestra cultura porque hay que entenderlo la danza como cultura y no como diversión, tergiversada muchas veces por nuestra sociedad que de un tiempo a esta parte está más alienada, por otra música extranjera que a nada bueno nos trae, pero sí está claro que en Puno si se baila realmente desde niños y creo que es nuestra razón de ser la Capital del Folklore Peruano.

Autor de texto: Eduardo Guerra Bravo y esposa Dora Pilco Gonzales

jueves, 29 de diciembre de 2016

Feast of the Virgin of the Candelaria 2017 Puno Peru

One of the first activities of the ensembles participating in the patron saint's festival of La Virgen de la Candelaria is the mass of beginning of rehearsals.

The mass of beginning of tests

 Is a mass dedicated in honor to the Virgin of the Candelaria for the health of the members of the set, sympathizers and followers. The mass is held in the sanctuary of the virgin in the San Juan church of the city of Puno located in the Pino Park, the assembly members, the board of directors, the dancers, sympathizers and the public in general, the patron saint of the Virgen de la Candelaria is a demonstration of faith and devotion to the Virgin both in the countryside as in the city of Puno, in the countryside, in the provinces that participate with indigenous dances of the Puno region and those of the city that participate with Dances of lightsuits, for the following year 95 autochthonous dances and 85 dances of light costumes, Faith and devotion is born to ask the Virgin a Miracle with the condition of dancing three years in a row in her party, there have been several True cases that every year the number of devotees to the Virgin increases in both the city of Puno and of visitors. In this case we will speak of the whole La Morenada Laykakota of the neighborhood Laykakota of the city of Puno, is a great and prestigious group that Performed the mass of the beginning of rehearsals on Saturday December 17, 2016, at 4 pm. In the sanctuary of the Virgin. The assembly has its Virgin and takes it to the church were present the alferados, the board of directors, participants, dancers and devotees of the Virgin, received the Eucharist with faith and devotion which moves to make this great feast of La Virgencita de The Candelaria as he is affectionately told. Then, when they left the church, they made a veneration with the well-known retrets of the bands of musicians who accompanied the group, started with the bullseye, then their retreat and later to dance the virgin. The dancers demonstrate their devotion through dance around the entire Pino Park, with burning artificial games prepared for the occasion, and start a pasacalle through the main streets of the city of Puno, going to your local to celebrate this beginning of Activities for February 2 making a calendar the dates of the rehearsals until the party and achieve a good presentation of the ensemble, the bands of musicians who accompanied this prestigious ensembles are the band Union Majestad and the band Super Impact bands of musicians of Recognized national and international local trajectory. This is how the groups prepare to participate in the Festival of the Virgencita de la Candelaria on February 2, 2017

Fiesta de la Virgen de la Candelaria 2017 Puno Perú 

Una de las primeras actividades de los conjuntos que participan en la Fiesta patronal de La Virgen de la Candelaria es la misa de inicio de ensayos.

la misa de inicio de ensayos

 es una misa dedicada en honor a la Virgen de la Candelaria por la salud de los integrantes del conjunto, simpatizantes y seguidores. la misa se realiza en el santuario de la virgen en la iglesia San Juan de la ciudad de Puno ubicada en el Parque Pino,  participan los alferados del conjunto, la junta directiva, los danzarines, simpatizantes y publico en general, La fiesta patronal de la Virgen de la Candelaria es una demostración de fe y devoción a la Virgen tanto en el campo como en la ciudad de Puno, en el campo, en las provincias que participan con danzas autóctonas de la región de Puno y los de la ciudad que participan con danzas de trajes de luces, para el siguiente año participan 95 danzas Autóctonas y 85 danzas de trajes de luces, La fe y devoción nace en pedirle a la Virgen un Milagro con la condición de bailar tres años seguidos en su fiesta, se han dado varios casos verídicos que cada año se agiganta la cantidad de devotos hacia la Virgen tanto en la ciudad de Puno y como de visitantes.en este caso hablaremos del conjunto La Morenada Laykakota del barrio Laykakota de la ciudad de Puno, es un gran y prestigioso conjunto que realizo la misa del inicio de ensayos el sábado 17 de diciembre del 2016,  a las 4 pm. en el santuario de la Virgen. El conjunto tiene su Virgen y lo lleva a la iglesia estuvieron presentes los alferados, la junta directiva, participantes, danzarines y devotos de la Virgen, recibieron la eucaristía con fe y devoción lo que mueve a que se realiza esta gran fiesta de La Virgencita de la Candelaria como se le dice con cariño. luego a su salida de la iglesia le hicieron una veneración con la conocidas retretas de las bandas de músicos que acompañaron al conjunto, inician con la diana, luego su retreta y para posterior bailar a la virgencita. los danzarines demuestran su devoción a través de la danza alrededor de todo el parque Pino, con quema de juegos artificiales preparados para la ocasión, y iniciar un pasacalle por las principales calles de la ciudad de Puno, dirigiéndose a su local para celebrar este inicio de actividades para el 2 de febrero haciendo un calendario las fechas de los ensayos hasta la fiesta y lograr así una buena presentación del conjunto, las bandas de músicos que acompañaron a este prestigioso conjuntos son la banda Unión Majestad y la banda Super Impacto bandas de músicos de reconocida trayectoria local nacional e internacional. Es así como los conjuntos se van preparando para participar en la Fiesta de la Virgencita de la Candelaria el 2 de febrero del 2017.

el pasacalle del conjunto Morenada Laykakota Puno

viernes, 18 de marzo de 2016


un pez oriundo de Lago Titikaka. conocido en la biologia como el pez Gato, es un pez en peligro de extincion en la Region Puno Peru, por ese motivo en esta mascara de diablo expreso mi preocupación y hacer un llamado para realizar acciones para su conservación, siguiendo la filosofía andina del altiplano de expresar nuestro sentir en las actividades de vida que realizamos en nuestro vivir.
El karachi, mauri y el suche son tres especies en peligro de desaparecer en el lago Titicaca,  Las causas son la pesca indiscriminada en el lugar y los cambios climáticos que elevan las temperaturas del agua
“En los últimos cinco años, las especies del lago han sufrido una disminución debido a la sobre-pesca, contaminación del lago por parte de las poblaciones aledañas y por la influencia de los cambios climáticos. Actualmente el suche, el mauri y los karachis están en peligro de extinción”

el muri es un pez mítico cuentan que vive en las profundidades del lago y asoma a la superficie solo en las noches de luna llena y ejerce un influjo en las personas mareadas embelezandolas para que ingresen a lago, hay personas que desaparecieron en el lago y otras que se logran salvar reaccionan por el frió de las aguas del lago.

nota. esta mascara de diablo esta en venta.  escribir al correo

viernes, 28 de agosto de 2015


Esta danza es original de las antiguas haciendas Chocorosi, Quequerana y Quichusa en el distrito de José Domingo Choquehuanca en la provincia de Azangaro región Puno. danza muy antigua tiene una larga trayectoria no pudiendo determinar el tiempo y su origen calculándose a la época de los Incas.

Unucajas es una danza bailada con frecuencia en la mayoría de las comunidades parcialidades y anexos del distrito en mención y la población en su conjunto, es un baile de festejo de los carnavales y continuando con las costumbres  guerreras también es considerada una danza de enamoramiento y pastoril, su origen proviene de un genero poético en el idioma local que tiene versiones de enamoramiento entre los jóvenes hombres y mujeres, los danzarines se incorporan a la transa en los meses de enero febrero y marzo que es época de los carnavales con la finalidad de hacer el respectivo chalequeo a la santa tierra con el licor predominante en las comunidades ; el alcohol y coca que sirven para demostrar la alegría y agradecimiento a la santa tierra, a la vez es el inicio de las fiestas de carnaval donde nacen los juegos mas alegres con tal cosa serpentinas picapicas agua y otros , la ejecución de la danza se inicia el 20 de enero de cada año llamando carnaval chico o fiesta de san Sebastian reflexionando al viejo carnavalon que trae el pronostico de un buen o mal año para los cultivos y de la población. En la cima del cerro Osocco se hace gran pago a la santa tierra(Pachamama) y los apus como apu Antaña, apu Thila y entre otros donde se celebran un chalequeo hacia los apus y la Pachamama de nuestro distrito. Esperando la buena produccion agropecuaria y ganadera tambien que no exista desgracias . Asi mismo el pago era para el encuentro de las nuevas parejas de jóvenes hombres y mujeres . esta danza es bailada durante el tiempo de carnaval en chacu de animales silvestres , turupacuy cabaña en compadres, señalacuy de la oveja para la buena producción, para ticachay que se realiza a las papas para la buena producción huasiticachay para la felicidad de la familia esta termina un domingo de tentacion o amargura con un cacharpari del viejo carnavalon hasta el próximo ali con cánticos y todo con alegría.


Unucajas significa caja de agua porque los unucajas deben estar constantemente remojados por agua si no pierden sonido .

la danza unucajas pica en su integridad el encuentro amoroso o enamoramiento entre jóvenes y señoritas y para las futuras familias y celebrar las costumbres que se realizan en los meses de carnavales , en la actualidad se sigue cultivando esta tradición de generación en generación en todas las localidades.

sábado, 18 de abril de 2015


the reason for this presentation is to inform those interested in knowing Puno and the feast of the Virgin of Candelaria , with a tutorial and practice events having the party with your very own peculiarities will try to raise awareness sequences and motives of this veneration for them to venerate the Mamita Candelaria and enjoy the festival in all its splendor and beauty. And early publish the dates for the celebration of the Feast of the Virgin of Candelaria for the February 2, 2016 and can schedule your visit accordingly. carefully server
Champions Contest 2014 Candelaria native dances LAWACUNOS Acora


Jose Maria Arguedas was saying in his articles Puno other Capital of Peru , long before Puno was appointed as the folklore capital of Peru . José María Arguedas Altamirano ( born in Andahuaylas , January 18, 1911 - Lima, December 2, 1969 ) was a writer , poet , translator , teacher, Peruvian anthropologist and ethnologist . As writer is author of novels and short stories that led it to be regarded as one of the three great representatives of the indigenous narrative in Peru


 (ex Puno, San Luis de Alva 1569-1668 , Puno 1668)
Puno In this region several Andean cultures like the Pucara culture developed between the years 100 BC and 300 AD, 2 which was the predecessor of ancient peoples who formed the Tiahuanaco culture that spread near Lake Titicaca between 300 BC and 1000 A.D. who dominated the monumental architecture in stone, like the famous Puerta del Sol (located in Bolivia), which has recorded the god Viracocha. 
The Aymara kingdoms, dominions or lacustrine Aymara kingdoms were a group of Amerindians who flourished towards, after the fall of the Tiahuanaco culture late intermediate period whose societies are geographically placed in the Andean highlands or plateau of Collao, that-north south-occupied territories from Canchis and Canas to Potosi, used the Aymara language and puquina.1 Among the most important Aymara architecture found the Lizard and Karachi Sillustani chullpas.
In the department there are many little-known but very important archaeological sites such as the strength of Trinchera, and the Tombs of Colo Colo, near Patambuco or Aramu Portal Muru near Juli.Silver Puno city, home to great writers and composers, on the shores of Lake Titicaca the highest navigable world, lake 3827 meters.


The feast of the Virgin of Candelaria is a feast day is celebrated each February 2 in the city of Puno , please do not confuse with the carnivals that have date changes from year to year, this feast has ancestral roots, and interesting transculturation with European culture , Christian religion brought by the Spaniards in the conquest and domination of the Viceroyalty of Peru , for about three centuries

the inhabitants of this Altiplano region under Spanish rule persisted in maintaining their customs challenging the Spanish domination and the Spaniards did not achieve their goal of wiping all Andean culture , chose to replace the native festivities with European festivals such is the case of the February 2 ancient holiday of the Pachamama , it is thanks to mother Nature that provides benefits to villagers , the February 2 , closest to the sun from the earth point , this highland region shown in Chacana .
scheme developed Chacana
notese the August 1 is the payment to land the Pachamama and February 2 gratitude to Pachamama , agree on a straight line , noting the importance of the Inca culture Pachamama

the feast of the Sacred Earth Pachamama is considered a direct challenge to Spanish rule, the church decided to impose a Christian religious celebration and this is the Feast of the Virgin of Candelaria is celebrated in Spain on February 2, the Virgin of Candelaria represents the Christian belief submitting baby Jesus to the church after forty days old and the Christian tradition of that time was presenting offerings to God, so the Virgen de la Candelaria carrying a basket with doves in one hand and in another infant Jesus, brought from Spain the image of the Virgin of Candelaria and here match the two cultures, the Christian religion sees Mary as Mother of Christians, the Andean belief considers sacred Mother Earth Pachamama as The world of life, then this acceptance of Andean settlers of this region as the mother of life is given and accepted, the Andean interesting transculturation with the Christian religion.
La Virgen de la Candelaria Brought by the Spaniards arrived at Old Puno, the village of San Luis de Alva 1568 AD. Located about 10 miles way Laraqueri, village where silver was mined from the mines of Laykakota was processed, and actual boxes Chucuito, Juli, silver coins circulating throughout the Viceroyalty of Peru were minted, hence comes the phrase
fotos de
San Luis de Alva, was devastated by the Viceroy Count de Lemus and the entire population founded on the slopes of Puñuy Pampa in 1668 the town of San Carlos Borromeo de Puno , the residents of San Luis de Alva brought their waxing and with them the Virgen de la Candelaria , Little is known of the history of the Fort of San Luis de Alva , because the laws of the viceroyalty , destroy a rebellious city , delete all its history and name is breaking the law on pain of death .
Andean people accepted the Virgen de la Candelaria and spirit is always present to the Holy Land Pachamama, this is how the ancient Feast of the Holy Land Pachamama considered profane by Spanish evolves the feast of the Virgin of Candelaria keeping date February 2, the feast of the Sacred Earth Pachamama converted to the feast of the Virgin of Candelaria is celebrated only by the inhabitants of the countryside, is a peasant party and country people in the city of Puno, is built the church for farmers is the church of San Juan in second place in Puno and the parade the cathedral is built creole dinos appointment of Puno, farmers living around Puno and other remote districts, each February 2nd permission paying the commune of Puno celebrating the Virgin of Candelaria on February 2 with their dances and city dwellers did not participate in the party, party considered peasants. accepting no means forget, today the spirit of the Holy Land Pacha-mama, the proof is in the Feast of the Virgin of Candelaria prior to the main festival day and the eighth remains Kapus entry is made
payment to the holy land pachamama at the entrance of kapus eve of February 2 , feast of the Virgin of Candelaria Puno Peru

Kapus input to make payment to the earth. the Holy Land Pacha -mama , and when we drink the first sip to the Holy Land Pacha -mama , and payment to the earth we do praying praying to the Virgin of Candelaria.  the Francisco Valdivia Rasgada , head of evangelizing the Collao Plateau , he sent out the first chapel that would be the current Sanctuary of the Virgen de la Candelaria , all to shelter the image. In this regard there was a quote from historian RP: Vargas Ugarte : "Since February 2, 1583 that its actual sat in the village Virgen de la Candelaria , began the final conversion of the whole Collao and the fame of his miracles made that influence is extended to the most distant regions "

How peasants party was accepted by the Creoles of Puno?


On 2 February each year the feast of the Virgin of Candelaria , by peasants who came to the Sanctuary of the Virgin church of San Juan , located in the Pine Park was held.
until in 1781 February 10, came the hosts of Tupac Amaru, being a, indigenous movement came to attack many cities performing persecution of Creoles, and the city of Puno was unguarded, had no troops for its defense, were 8 days the feast of the Virgin of Candelaria by farmers have been held in the city, they turned to the last hope entrusted to the Virgen de la Candelaria the Creole inhabitants of the city of Puno they brought in procession to the Virgen de los Campesinos, all city ​​accompany the Virgin in a few hours the night entrance, with candles and oil lamps, Tupac Amaru spotters saw the procession in the distance and the multitude of all the city believed a number of troops defending the city, and therefore decided not attack the city of Puno, the first great miracle of the Virgin of Candelaria: the salvation of the city of Puno, Tupac Amaru troops marched Alto Peru plundering cities in its path. This is how the city thanks to the Virgen de la Candelaria thus saved the population of the city of Puno accepts the feast of the Virgin of Candelaria on February 2 main day the contest is held in honor of the Virgen de la Candelaria and his reverence for country dwellers with their native dances throughout the Puno region and the octave dance costumes sets lights of the city. since the inhabitants of the city of Puno are devoted to the MAMITA CANDELARIA and actively participate in the party

The feast of the Virgin of Candelaria is characterized by a set of activities that take place in the year to get to the party and its outcome and its farewell called the Cacharpari , the festival is organized by the regional Federation of culture and folklore FRCFP Puno region , the federation is the association of all sets of native dances and costumes represented by their presidents and delegate

the FRCFP headed by a president and board of directors , every two years no renewal , the president and board of directors are elected by the delegates and presidents of all sets associated with FRCFP both native dances 110 sets , such as dances costumes of 87 sets in 2015. the federation is associated with more than 200 sets , this April 19th the new board of FRCFP is chosen. for the period from 2016 to 2017. In the joint presidents and board members of each set for two years , the president and his board directed the assembly in what is a dance, clothing disbras , band choreography and selected attend meetings convened by the FRCFP and alferado willingly receives virgin together for only a year, the alferado makes the whole liturgical activities and reception. then a set is comprised of :

  • board chaired by the president.
  • one alferado
  • the dancers
  • supporters
due to the large number of sets of sicuris that exists in the Puno region FRCFP assembly agreement the two competitions organized sicuris contest the province of Puno and regional contest sicuris . These contests are for selecting the 20 best teams that manage their participation in the Fiesta de la Candelaria in the province of Puno and 20 sets in the region of Puno


It takes place on August 15 at the feast of the Virgin of Cancharani , but if different from being on Sunday, but Sunday is chosen to not interfere with the work days , last year was the August 17 , on the hill the same name where the chapel of the Virgin of Cancharani is located. sicuris sets involved in the province of Puno in the following categories

  • sicuris sets with a single drum.
  • sicuris with several sets of drums

sicuris the category with a single drum assembly 10 are classified and sicuris category with several drums 10 sets are classified

REGIONAL COMPETITION Sicuris the Puno region

It is between the months of October and November last year was on October 19 , in the closed Eduardo Rodriguez Ponce de León of Puno Coliseum , participate sicuris sets the entire region of Puno in the following categories :

  • sicuris sets with a single drum. 
  • sicuris with several sets of drums
sicuris the category with a single drum assembly 10 are classified and sicuris category with several drums 10 sets are classified .

the number of sets of sicuris that exists in the region of Puno is very large and if all partake of the feast would not be feasible for this reason the agreement of assembly FRCFP have decided to limit the number of sets of sicuris by these contest .


Made the provincial and regional competitions Sicuris , already have joint that will participate in the Candelaria . we proceed to the draw location of the joint , the draw takes place in late November. the sets of native dances is drawn for submission to the contest of native dances on February 2 main day of the feast of the Virgin of Candelaria , in the Monumental stadium Enrique Torres Belon Stone of Puno , for joint dance costumes of two draws are performed:
  1. for presentation at the competition stadium in honor of the Virgen de la Candelaria on the day of the eighth .
  2.  for presentation at the Veneration of the Virgin of the Candelaria the next day of the eighth Monday the streets determined by the federation and the authorities of Puno.

This custom is performed by the sets of Puno are the sets of dances costumes, is the active beginning of the holiday and large ensembles as The Morenada Orkapata is done from December, Morenada Bellavista, the Diablada spectacular Bellavista, etc .......... The custom is the alferado in agreement with the president and the board agree a date for the start of trials, so they hire a Mass dedicated to the Virgin of the Candelaria where they participate, bringing together the Virgin of the Shrine of the Virgin the Candelaria Church in San Juan Pino Park, Mass dedicated to the Virgin asking about the health of all members of the group and their families, accompanied by bands of musicians, Mass Once trials start over, done a procession with Madonna doing a parade towards the place where they make their respective reception, and scheduling dates and times of trials for a better performance at the party. The first Saturday of January a large majority of the sets do mass trials start so many parades are in the city center, the mass trials are generally held from 5 pm lasts an hour do several sets, to make 6pm and 7 other night, parades and activity of the Feast of the Virgin of Candelaria feel.


This activity has 2 sequences: The presentation of the festival at the local level to be held in the city of Puno and national presentation to be held in Lima , is usually performed in mid- January.

The Federation of Folklore and Culture of the Puno region , was established on January 24, 1963 , is why being an institution belongs to the lie hoisted the national flag on Sunday , so all sets associated with FRFCP they are required to attend both the native dances and dances of costumes , the FRFCP forces that sets a non- minimum three-person delegation , but it is customary to participate with many dancers and bands performed patriotic acts proceed at the beginning of a parade that lasts more than 10 hours from 10 am . the start and concentration is the Destua.

Election of Miss FOLCLOR 

This event is held in order to elect the "Queen of Folklore 2015 " , organized by the Regional Federation of Folklore and Culture of Puno , which will crown one of 16 candidates of different folklore groups participating in the Festival of the Virgin of Candelaria. The election is held in the coliseum Eduardo Rodriguez Ponce de León, where the candidates ranging between 16 and 24 years will struggle to win the award . It should be noted that the bars and public may enter from 6 pm .


 Nine days of February 2 Novena Masses begin, every day there Mass Devotion to the Virgin of Candelaria, of the various institutions of the city of Puno, novena Masses are held at 12 noon and 7:00 pm. This period is a time of gathering for the faithful devotees of the patron saint of Puno. "As pastors walked to Bethlehem, we too have to walk to the house of God our father, where is our virgin" Reverend explains that mean novenas nine days before the presentation of the infant Jesus in the temple, therefore it considered to be preparing Catholics and believers to demonstrate their faith, whether through dance or musical expression. "On the feast of the Blessed Virgin, we all present ourselves in the temple of God our Father, to reaffirm our commitment that we are faithful to God's word" the Candlemas Virgin Mary presents the child Jesus in the temple. this feast in honor and veneration of the Virgin of Candelaria to help unite families, peoples and all in common; being wary guardians for each other.

MAIN ALBAS February 1 

The Albas before sunrise , is the Mass commemorates devotion to the Virgin of Candelaria one day before the main day, at 4:00 am . sets of dances from Puno attend this liturgical ceremony , announced with known camaretazos , strong explosive charges in previous years they were used 21 camaretazos , today rockets announcing the start of the dawns are used as a call to Mass Albas all the people of Puno. this practice is led by the oldest set of Puno Traditional Mañazo Sicuris Mañazo the neighborhood with over 120 years of continuous activity. Puno cultural heritage . Hujsapata up the hill and your payment to the earth, and his characteristic strikeouts offered by the guides. and then by a parade with your local address for receipt by the alferados , if Mañazo are the guides.

ENTRIES kapus, MAIN February 2

February 1 , on the eve of the feast of the patron Puno, traditional input Kapus, conducted by the Regional Government of Puno is developed;
“La entrada de Kapus, es una costumbre andina que se practica desde hace mucho tiempo atrás, ésta da un buen augurio a la Festividad de la Virgen de la Candelaria, que es la más representativa de la región Puno. Desde las 10 de la mañana, se concentran en el Arco Deustua, para realizar un recorrido por las diferentes arterias de la ciudad hasta llegar al Parque Manuel Pino, donde se realizará el pago a la pachamama o madre tierra, frente a la parroquia San Juan, santuario de la Virgen de la Candelaria.
governors and governors, lieutenant enter the Manuel Pino Park, mounted on their horses and dressed in a suit mystic ; this traditional event entitled "Entering Kapus "


On February 1, 2015 , 7:00 a.m. Venue: Enrique Torres Belon Stadium . LI Regional Dance Competition in traditional costumes and Native ( Native ) in honor of the Blessed Virgin of the Candelaria.
This contest sets participate native dances of Puno region is one set and your score is 100 points , is done in the monumental Estadio of Stone Enrique Torres Belon.
qualified in their presentation of 8 minutes.
 aspects of dance: 
movement and choreography

aspects of the presentation 

 movement and choreography


The solemn Mass celebration in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Candelaria takes place in the atrium of the Cathedral of Puno , that is on the Plaza de Armas of this city on February 2 , central day of the celebrations.
On February 2, 2015 : 7:00 a.m. Mass; 9:00 a.m. Mass Party ; 2:00 pm PROCESSION OF MAMITA
The solemn procession of the image of the Virgen de la Candelaria is done after mass party , on carpets of flowers. floral carpets are not made by all the sets associated with FRCF . throughout the route of the procession .



bands of musicians accompanying the sets during the festival come from the provinces of the region of Puno and other regions of Peru and neighboring Bolivia , for this reason sets a reception make their bands usually in your neighborhood on Friday, a day before the dawns of the eighth , coming bands starting at 6 pm , are recepcionadas and presented to the assembly and the general public in the course of the evening are held throughout the city Puno .


February 7, 2015. From dawn 4:00 am hosted by Alferado the Octave of the Feast of the Virgin of Candelaria , and other sets. 6:00 , 6:30 and 7:00 am, Alba Masses at the Shrine of the Virgen de la Candelaria.


3:00 pm Check Waxes , flowers and castles , by the Alferado EVE OF THE EIGHTH

7:00 pm Mass Eve, then the front of the Shrine of Our Lady of Candelaria the fireworks takes place , with the participation of sets costumes , among others, a party atmosphere very advanced.


This competition is the first part of qualifying and is performed at the Monumental stadium Enrique Torres Belon Stone , begins at 7:00 am . by the number of sets, each set has eight minutes for demonstration :
deployment and choreography

the score is 60 points, qualify



sets of dances by their characteristics are classified into categories: diabladas 

Corporal King
kullawuadas, kallahuyas , huacahucas . 
tinkus . 

Each category has its champion . and Champion of Champions is all champions who gets the highest score .

EXH . sets on display , new sets , to participate in the party must serve a year of exhibition and test and go to the competition next year . and they are split from the federation .
MASS CELEBRATION OF THE EIGHTHEighth Day of the Feast of the Virgin of Candelaria , done at 7:00 am Sunday Mass usual. and at 10 a.m. Mass celebration of the Eighth , involving authorities , alferado and people in general , and then leave in procession of the Holy Image of the Virgen de la Candelaria 's main streets and squares of Puno , at the end of the procession , takes place a Eucharistic celebration.